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Tuesday, 27 November 2012

The Next Big Thing – today it’s me! 
Pamela Griffiths

Today I am THE NEXT BIG THING, nominated by Jane Risdon
A big thank you to Jane for nominating me, please visit her blog and leave comments and likes.
Jane is a brilliant writer so please follow her works and leave comments and likes etc.

Jane has a Short Story in Morgen Bailey's Flash Fiction on 24th November 'A Walk To Destiny'.

I have been asked to answer a few questions about me and my writing so here goes....

Where do you live?
I live in Loxley in Sheffield England. I have lived here all my life. I come from a working class family and I am a yorkshire lass born and bred. I have had various jobs throughout my working life and ended up working for the National Health Service in Quality and Development Management. I am now retired.I was married for ten years when I was younger then I got divorced and married a lovely man who sadly died. I have three children and had two stepson's, one sadly died aged 20 of cancer. My late husband Clive Griffiths died aged 54 of a brain tumor that was fifteen years ago. It made me realise that life is short and we must make the best of what we have. I met Sandy my partner four years ago we live together in Loxley and have a lovely house in the countryside which is wonderful in the summertime but not so good in the winter if it snows.
Do you get encouragement when you write?
My family have always supported me, my late husband encouraged me to write well before I was published.
My mum and dad always supported my writing and my children and grandchildren, My partner Sandy supports me too.
My Dad passed away just over a year ago and my mum is housebound so she has carers four times a day. I visit her three times a week to make sure she is ok. My sister sees her three times a week too.
I miss the encouragement dad gave when he was alive but now I write in his memory, I know he would have supported me if he was here.
I have a sister and a brother who also encourage me.
I have nine grandchildren, so plenty of family support there.
What sort of stories do you write?
I like to write poetry, short stories and fiction. I just like writing, anything really.
I am a member of Writers on the Same Page formerly Writers for Welfare and have two stories in the charity anthology Telling Tales.  I was included in the Halloween short story book 'Old Hallows Eve' and included in the short story book 'Crypto and Co' the writers speak.
What do you like to read?
I like to read thrillers, horror stories and supernatural stories. I also like to read any interesting stories, as long as it keeps me interested I will read it.
What type of books have you written?
I mainly write poetry books and I have been published in nearly sixty anthologies over the years. I have had some of my poems included on CD anthologies and in yearly diaries by my publisher United Press Ltd London. I was in the United Press Poets of the year book 2011 and Writer's of the year book 2011. I have also self published some of my books.
Will you have a new book coming out soon?
I am working on a children's book for Christmas at the moment, it is a book of short stories and poems. I hope to have it completed and published in time for Christmas.
What links do you use to promote your work?
My Blog on Wordpress: -
How many books have you written?
'Control the Demon' published by Minerva press, in 1999. A detective thriller.
'Expressions of Life' published by United Press Ltd, in 2009. A book of her poems.
My book is listed as a top ten book here:
'Whispering Shadow' a short detective story published in kindle format 2010 the story was initially included in a short story anthology 'Living Proof' published by United Press Ltd.
'Rhymes for little Children' published 2011 in paperback and kindle format. A collection of nursery rhymes for very young children.
'Daughters of Sappho, Rainbow Gems' published in paperback and kindle format 2012. A collection of lesbian poems.
'Moments in Time' published by United Press Ltd, in 2012. A collection of poems.  My book is listed as a top ten book here:
'Fifty Shades of Gay' published in 2012 in paperback and kindle format. A Collection of lesbian sex poems.
'Scream for Halloween' published in Oct. 2012 in paperback and kindle format. A collection of short stories for Halloween.
'Beyond The Cat Flap' published in Nov 2012 in paperback and kindle format.
I have been included in over sixty anthologies and a charity book. I have had my work included in yearly diaries and on CD's
In 2011 I won a National Poetry competition out of many thousands of entries and won £1,000 and a certificate.
I have retired from working full time for the NHS in Quality management. I have a diploma in freelance journalism and a diploma in quality management.
I am devoting more of my time to writing now.
I would like to nominate my choices for THE NEXT BIG THING and I hope you will visit their blogs and websites and read all about them and their work.
Jason Maurer

Jason is a talented author who has held interviews and short story competitions in his writing corner group.

Bobbie Shafer -
Bobbie is a very successful and talented author, I would highly recommend her books.
Susan Hymer - 

Susan's Author Page and Blogg

Susan is a talented published poet and has had her own book of poems published by United Press.
Thank you again Jane Risdon  for your nomination.
Check out Jane's blog:
Don't forget to follow Jane and my nominated authors.
Thank you for taking the time to read my author interview in 'The Next Big Thing'.  Please feel free to follow my links and like or leave me comments.


  1. A very honest interview. Your life has had its share of sorrows but also there are plenty of folk around to support you as you turn your attention to writing even more than before. I'm sure your dad will always be your inspiration. That's an impressive range of work already published. Good luck with your children's book.

    1. Thank you Beth for your lovely comment. :)
